Accountability Network Scheme: Activities 

Accountability Network Scheme: Activities 

Accountability Network Scheme: Activities 

For this scheme, the project leader will be providing new activities that the boys can take part in across both of our homes. The activities chosen will be both in-house and offsite and they will provide opportunities for the boys to gain and develop different skills such as social skills, working as a team, understanding group dynamics and how they fit in.

The activities will also allow our staff the chance to observe the boys and recognise any areas they might be struggling with. Our staff can then help and support the boys in these areas.

An example of a recent activity the boys took part in was an outdoor cinema event, this allowed the boys to be social in a controlled and safe environment in the back garden of one of the homes. The day started well, and the boys all decided to play a game they had recently learnt in our Thursday Clubs. They all played within the game’s rules and boundaries and socialised well together.

Throughout the event a photo prop station was available for all to use which gave the opportunity for staff and young people to have photos together, building and further developing healthy relationships with staff and peers.


Another learning opportunity was that they had to wait until it was dark enough to watch the film for the screen to be seen. The boys were all very patient and most chose to use the time to socialise and trade football cards!

They were each then given the choice of where they sat for the film knowing who they get on well with or who they may trigger. Two of the boys sat down and were engaged the whole way though the film and did not display any negative behaviours. While the remaining three boys chose to sit together, this resulted in a few comments which was challenged allowing the staff to support and re-enforce the boundaries whilst giving information to allow the boys to make informed choices.

Overall, the event went well, and the project leader received great feedback from all involved, everyone is really excited to see what the next event will be!