School Trip: Focal Point Gallery and The Forum Library Visit

School Trip: Focal Point Gallery and The Forum Library Visit

School Trip: Focal Point Gallery and The Forum Library Visit

The Estuary High students had the opportunity to visit The Focal Point Gallery and The Forum Library. They had a great time and were commended by the gallery staff for their enthusiasm and insight into the artwork which was being showcased by Liz Magor, titled ‘The Fall’. During the tour the young people looked at the artwork and listened to the tour guide while she explained the idea behind some of the pieces, but they were also given the opportunity to pick and speak about their favourite piece from the collection. They each had their own views and take on the art and were able to express how the artwork made them feel very eloquently and maturely.

The students were given a tour of The Forum Library and they were all blown away by the amount of books there were and the vast number of subjects they could borrow books on. The students who were not already members of the library took the opportunity to sign up, and some even checked out books right away!

To end the day the students had a lesson on how to make a clay bowl or cup. They were able to incorporate ideas from the artwork they had seen earlier on in the day, but they were also encouraged to add imagery to make it personal to them, for example by adding their favourite football team’s logo, book or TV show. They listened to and followed instruction well to create some fantastic pieces which they will receive back in a few weeks once they have been fired in the kiln.

The staff from the gallery, library and workshop all commented on how well behaved the students were and that they are welcome back any time as they are one of the best groups they have had come visit.