Accountability Scheme: Team building, positive peer relationships.

Accountability Scheme: Team building, positive peer relationships.

Accountability Scheme: Team building, positive peer relationships.

Another project the boys are taking part in is Team building and positive peer relationships. The activities will be based both in-house and outside in the community and the project leader will be working in partnership with the Outreach team on some activities and alongside the boys Duke of Edinburgh awards.

The boys are taking part in activities that gives them the opportunity to learn about empathy and giving praise to others. In the last session they each wrote down a name of another young person at Kites that they would like to praise for something and give their reasons behind it. This could be anything from good behaviour, showing kindness or a positive achievement at school or in the home. These are then put up on display within the homes so everyone can see.

The idea behind this is to allow the boys to see that others have feelings too and that working as a team they can achieve more, most of the boys have for obvious reasons become self-absorbed and think only of their own needs, wants, thoughts and feelings.